Stakeholder Communication and Identification

FET values its communication and engagement with various stakeholders highly. For the purpose of fully comprehending the essence of internal and external stakeholder management, we have followed the principles of AA1000SES Stakeholder Engagement Standard to identify seven types of stakeholders crucial to our operations and ensure that we have dedicated communication channels to respond to our stakeholders’ requests and expectations in our daily operations.

FET Stakeholder Management Procedure


Management of Material Topics

Process for evaluating material topics

On an annual basis, FET conducts regular identification of material topics. Due to the impact of our business activities, industry type, value chain, and operational activities on stakeholders, we pay attention to the telecommunications industry topics that are highlighted through stakeholder engagement, expert consultations, global risk reports, the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, TCFD, CDP, and SASB guidelines. We adhere to the materiality, completeness, and stakeholder inclusiveness factors required by the GRI 3 standards in the GRI 2021 version. Through stakeholder surveys and comprehensive assessments, we adjust our approach based on the analysis results. We report the identified significant topics that have a major impact on stakeholders to the Board of Directors, which then reviews and approves the results.

According to the GRI 3 standards published in 2021, FET has finalized the identification steps for material topics. This first requires an understanding of the Company's context, identifying actual and potential impacts, and evaluating the significant degree and possibility of positive and negative impacts on stakeholders. After determining the significance of the impact of the topic on the Company, the priority order of reporting with the most significant impact will be arranged.

The inventory process of assessing the significance and likelihood of positive and negative impacts in the aforementioned process is consistent with the concept of evaluating the extent of loss impact and probability in the risk management procedure. Therefore, FET identifies 9 material topics by using the GRI 3 guidelines and applying the double-materiality principle to determine the impact on the Company and its stakeholders, as well as the extent of impact on the economy, environment, and society. The detailed assessment process is as follows:


Materially Matrix and Definition of Materiality in 2022


Compared to the identification results of material topics in the previous period, the topics were changed in the year under review due to the adoption of new standards for identifying material topics. During the year, due to the adoption of new criteria for identifying material issues, impact management was based on a remote and stakeholder perspective. The new topics added include environmental, social, and supply chain issues (such as electronic waste management and application, social care and public welfare engagement, supply chain management, and responsible procurement). The material topics that were not included in the previous year will be maintained in the existing management procedures, and will be optimized on a regular basis in accordance with the actual operating conditions and international trends. In addition, considering the double-materiality principle, FET also takes financial impact into account when considering major topics and discusses them with senior executives.